Asian Society of Arts


Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA
“Bachelor’s of Music of “Contemporary Music and Production”

New York University Master’s of Education of
“Music Performance and Composition /Film Scoring & multimedia”

“Napoleon’s Final Battle”(National Geographic Channel) – Additional Music
“Real Soccer” – (Neovian Online Game music) – Score Arranger & Programer
“Cults “- Decoding the Past: Dangerous Devotions (History Channel)- Additional Music
“Exploring Time” (Discovery Channel) – Additional Music
“The Recollection – sweet dreams” (Independent film) – Original Score
“Silence of the Bees” – (PBS) – Additional Music
“Secret Access: Air Force One ” – (History Channel) – Additional Music
“Jewish Museum Milwaukee – (Logo & Commercial Music) – Additional Music
“At Night I Wake to Dream “(Independent film) – Original Score

Jin Soo Kim is a rapidly rising composer who has worked on National Geographic channel, Discovery Channel, History Channel, PBS and independent films. He is a versatile composer with the skill for crafting rich orchestral tapestries, as well as cutting edge sounds to match the visual images in movies.

Jin Soo Kim was born in South Korea. He learned to play many instruments, such as guitar, drum, piano and bass while attending church. Being able to lead the praise team at church has driven him to love music even more. Currently, he is leading an adult choir group as a music director and conductor.

Jin Soo found that his passion for music went beyond its sheer ability to seep into our skin and bend the rhythm of our hearts to its own (whether it is the soul shattering sadness of B.B. King’s “Why I Sing the Blues” or Christina Aguilera’s get-on-your-fee- and-scream “Dirty”). His passion also lay in understanding where that power originates from: its harmony, rhythm, and the elements required in composing, arranging, and producing a song, a theme of music, or just a simple jingle. (His favorite project while at Berklee college of music was composing theme music, i.e. music that, when heard, gives shape to the visible world, a violent storm, or the vast African wilderness.)

Music had made such an impression on Jin Soo that he decided to study music.

He attended Berklee College of Music to pursue his studies, where he majored in “Contemporary writing & Production”.

On his major, He studied study composition, arranging, scoring, and production techniques. Then he could apply those skills and concepts by writing for and overseeing the production of a wide variety of instrumental, vocal, acoustic, and electronic combinations, ranging from small workshop groups to a studio orchestra in live performance situations and recording studio environments. He explored contemporary concepts and techniques of arranging and sound production in both the analog and digital domains. This study gave him to gain valuable experience by being able to create, arrange, and produce projects using MIDI workstations and the recording studios.

When he was in the Boston area, he also played with many musicians, such as the famous guitarist, Min Young Suk. He also recorded with Daniss Morris who is bass player and Scott deOgburn who is trumpet player of faculty at Berklee College of Music. He also worked with Jon Aldrich, a faculty at Berklee College of Music, for numerous jingles for TV.

When he was in Berklee College of Music, he studied with many great musicians such as Matthew Nicholl, Richard Evans, Michael Farquharson, Jerry Gates, Jon Aldrich, and Marti Epstein. 

After graduating from Berklee College of Music, Jin Soo furthered his education in music by coming to New York City to attend New York University for his master’s program where he majored in Film scoring. Jin Soo once again had a chance to work with very talented musicians such as Ronald Ronsadoff, Jerica Oblak, Ira Newborn, and Gary Pozner.
Gary Pozner is best known to rock fans as the keyboardist in the Tom Tom Club and the founder of the African-Celtic-Gospel-Rock

“Madness of Henry the VIII”(National Geographic channel) – (2006)
“Granny D” (PBS) – (2006)
“Bones of Contention”(Court TV) –(2006)
“Napoleon’s Final Battle”(National Geographic channel) –(2006)
“The wrath of Peter the Great”(National Geographic channel) –(2006)
“The Catherine the Great” ”(National Geographic channel) -(2006)
“American Revolution”(History Channel) –(2006)
“Real Soccer” – (Neovian Game music) –(2007)
“Cults “- Decoding the Past: Dangerous Devotions (History Channel) –(2007)
“Exploring Time” (Discovery Channel) –(2007)
“The Recollection – sweet dreams” (Independent film) – (2007)
“Silence of the Bees” -(PBS) – (2008)
“Air force One” – (History Channel) –(2008)
“Jewish Museum Milwaukee – (Logo & Commercial Music) – (2008)
“At Night I Wake to Dream “-(Independent Film) –(2008)
“The Loneliest Animal”-(PBS) –(2009)

미국에서 영화음악에 새롭게 도전하는  김진수,  버클리 음대(Beklee college of music)에서 Contemporary writing and production 을 학사를 졸업하고 NYU Film scoring 에서 석사를 받은 그는 뉴욕에서 활동하며 다수의 다큐멘터리 영화의 음악을 만들고 있다.

1995년 중앙대학교  경영학과를 입학한 그는 2년후 그가 원하는 음악을 위해 중퇴하고 Seoul Jazz Academy 에 들어가 음악의 기본을 배우며 유학을 준비해왔다. 그후 1998년 버클리음대로 유학한후 Boston 지역에서 Jazz 피아노를 치며 다양하게 활동해왔다.

버클리 음대 를 다닐때 “Love Affair”를 처음 본후 미친듯이 앨범을 찾으려고 한게 아마도 영화음악과의 인연이 된거 같다는 그는 , 영화와 음악이 하나가 느껴지는, 정말 그 느낌을 잊을수  없어서 도전하게 되었다고 한다.

버 클리 음대를 졸업한후, 그의 꿈인 영화음악을 더욱 공부하기 위하여 뉴욕의 NYU에서 Education&Music Performance and Composition /Film Scoring & multimedia석사학위를 졸업했다.

뉴 욕에서 공부하던 그는 우연한 기회를 통해 게리(Gary Pozner)를 알게 되었고 많은 경험을 쌓게 되었다. 그러한 경험을 바탕으로 그는 “Icons of Power: Napoleon’s Final Battle “(National Geographic channel)로 미국에서의 첫 크레딧을 가지고 자신만의 음악의 역량과 세계를 표현한후  그밖의 다양한 다큐멘터리 영화와 게임음악, 광고음악등를 작곡해왔다 .예를 들어  “Cults “- Decoding the Past:  Dangerous Devotions – (History Channel), “Real Soccer” – (Neovian Game music), “Exploring Time” – (Discovery Channel) – Additional Music, “The Recollection – sweet dreams” – (Independent film)-Original Score, “Silence of the Bees” – (PBS) – Additional Music, “Secret Access : Air Force One ” – (History Channel) – Additional Music, “Jewish Museum Milwaukee – (Logo & Commercial Music) – Additional Music , “At Night I Wake to Dream ” – (Independent film) – Original Score, “Real soccer”-Online game music 등의음익 작업을 통해  그의 음악의 세계를 넓히고 있다

할리우드에서의 영화음악 작업이 꿈이라는 김진수씨는 다음 작품인 “Monster”-(Independent film) 의 음악을 준비하고 있다. 처음이 힘들더라도 나중은 정말 큰 기쁨을 가지게 될수있다는 그의 희망은 그를 꾸준히 영화 음악 작곡가로써 이끄는 힘이 되는듯하다 .